PIECES OF US // REFLECTION | Amanda Zampelli

REFLECTION // I pretty sure I have an alter ego and I’m not mad about it. She’s a bad bitch and knows it, and only seems to appear when I take a selfie in my hallway mirror. I’m such a goofy nutball when I’m out in the world, but I feel my most sexy and powerful when I take a reflection photo of myself in that magic mirror after putting an outfit together, rocking a fresh face of make-up, and flipping my hair.

I. LOVE. CLOTHES. That is definitely a major part of it. It’s taken me a long time to figure out what works best on my body, but I’m getting better at landing on it. When I dress right for the occasion, I feel pure joy. Getting creative with clothes has helped me love my body. Developing my style is SO MUCH FUN and I’ve realized over the past few years that it’s a useful tool to put my best self forward.

I think my alter ego needs a name. Any suggestions?

This post was a part of Ali Edwards’ self portrait adventure challenge PIECES OF US.

I p articipated as way to do a few things:

1. pop back on Instagram - I haven’t been able to “get into it” lately (my last post was on New Year’s Day)

2. explore my body through my olw little word: HOME - I’ve been thinking of my body as my ‘home’ & I want to explore that idea this week through the lens of this challenge

3. find out what really matters to me - …in terms of my creativity & what I want to share. I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately…that zest and direction for how I want to use my voice & craft has had little to no focus since I went back to teaching, and slowly but surely I’m getting more clear about it. I think this challenge is a good start.

4. ALSO FUN TO NOTE: Kristin + I recorded a podcast episode dedicated to the whole thing!

We talk about our plan for the week with this challenge, the magic of being part of a creative community of memory keepers, and everything in between.