Two weeks ago, I introduced FUN FRIDAY & here’s the gist: because I chose FUN as my one little word® this year, I’ve decided that every Friday from now until the start of 2022, I’ll share some fun things that happened the week before. Let’s go…

FUN FRIDAY 03 | Amanda Zampelli

An annual tradition & its documentation. It was thrilling to fill my grid frame with little 4x4’s of our two (so far) New Year’s Eve kiss photos. There’s only been two, but it’s tons of fun to think about three, four, five, and beyond! This was another idea from @elisejoy, and the frame can be found here.

FUN FRIDAY 03 | Amanda Zampelli

Easy scrapbooking. Pretty design. I’m back to pocket-scrapbooking in a 6x8 size album and this year: all pressure is OFF! My memory keeping plan for 2021 is to document only when the mood strikes or product inspires a story, not out of some weekly or monthly self-imposed obligation. This spread was a great example of that & I had a lot of fun combining digital elements from Paislee Press w/ photos.

FUN FRIDAY 03 | Amanda Zampelli

A fresh pedicure. It’s been absolutely delightful to look down and feel like my feet look like feet again, and not hooves. It’s winter, and nobody sees them but me (and Tom), but ME is glad they’re so fresh and so clean.

Nicknaming hard-boiled eggs. I’ve been making a whole carton of hard-boiled eggs the past couple of weeks ‘cause…ya know…health, and to not confuse them with the carton of regular eggs, I label the outside with a sharpie. I’ve been writing HARDI Bs on the carton. OKURRRR?

Date night with this guy. Friday night. Thai food. His sister joining us. The ‘cheers’ing to another completed work week kicking ass as a couple. I love this man. Oh my gosh, do I love him! It feels like I waited a thousand years for him to be in my life, and now that he’s here, IT’S SO MUCH FUN.

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Fun Friday, friends.
Thanks - as always - for reading.