dog adventure in the woods

Barclay 'venture dog adventure in the woods | Amanda Zampelli

In the first two months of Tom and I dating, I had been requesting to take his family’s dog, Barclay, out for what I kept calling a ‘Barclay Venture’ which was basically a dog adventure in the woods. On Saturday June 8th, 2019, we went. This day also, coincidentally, happened to be National Best Friends Day.

Barclay 'venture dog adventure in the woods | Amanda Zampelli

To start our Barclay Venture, we drove to Tom’s parents’ house and picked him up. He sat upright and goofy in the back seat, and we took this fun photo before we set out on our adventure. CHEESE!

Barclay 'venture dog adventure in the woods | Amanda Zampelli

When we were getting dressed for the outing, Tom remembered he had socks with Barclay’s face printed on them. I told him to wear them and see if anyone noticed the dog that we were walking was the same dog printed in pattern on those lime green ankle socks. The challenge was accepted!

Barclay 'venture dog adventure in the woods | Amanda Zampelli

Sticks were thrown and retrieved. Tom and I took turns holding Barclay’s leash. We stopped for water fountain breaks, and Tom posted the following on Snapchat:

Barclay 'venture dog adventure in the woods | Amanda Zampelli

Barclay was such a good boy. Some scenes from the adventure can be watched below. Make sure you watch all the way to the end to find out if anyone actually DID noticed Tom’s Barclay patterned ankle socks…

This sweet Saturday afternoon adventure was the first time Barclay and I bonded. Since that day, we’ve had more opportunities to hang out, and I think he knows me as “sissy” now. Below is us at the end of December, when Tom and I slept-over his parents house and Barclay-sat for a few days.

Barclay 'venture dog adventure in the woods | Amanda Zampelli

I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since we went on that Barclay Venture. It was a special day and a special date, so easy and so casual, like we had been together for years, when in fact it was only a couple of months. I am forever grateful for Barclay and that day’s adventure, and the adventure I’ve been on with Tom ever since.