a wedding with the parents

a wedding with the parents | Amanda Zampelli

I’m majorly goaling to get better at using this blog space to document life’s happy happenings. For me, that needs to happen within a few days of those happenings happening. Haa haa! …so here are some shots from this past weekend’s wedding Tom and I attended with his parents.

a wedding with the parents | Amanda Zampelli

Firstly, can we just talk about the dress?! (Excuse the background mess I tried my best to doodle over.) The dress is from bebe and I bought it at Estelle’s early in the summer. I had two weddings before this one, but was glad I saved it for this event. Burgundy lipstick, shawl, clutch, and shoes rounded out the look!


As for my guy - and us together - I don’t think it gets any cuter. I must say we clean up nice. ;) At one point during the night…I believe while we were eating dinner…he randomly turned to me and said, “I love US.” I replied, “Me too.”

a wedding with the parents | Amanda Zampelli

Another thing I loved was getting to experience a party with his parents! They are such sweet people - each a character - and watching Tom with them was a treat. His mom was a dancing machine. At one point, merengue came on, and she and I lit the floor on fire!

His dad got up and danced too, but as evidence from the photo below, Tom didn't exactly approved of his moves.

a wedding with the parents | Amanda Zampelli

Getting in the Photo Booth with his parents was hysterical - each of us donning a hat! I also love how Tom and his parents didn’t really change much in between the three photos, but I just HAD to make a new face for each one. What a ham!

a wedding with the parents | Amanda Zampelli

The guy in charge of the Photo Booth stuck our strip in “the book” and Tom wrote next to it: “Congratulations. Thanks for having us. Love you. If you don’t want to hang this on your fridge, we understand.” // Below is my favorite shot:

a wedding with the parents | Amanda Zampelli

The DJ was pretty good and played 90s hits back to back at the end of the party. When Poison came on, I couldn’t imagine Tom and his friend dancing anything other than the Kid ‘n Play like you see below.

a wedding with the parents | Amanda Zampelli

I love that Tom dances. I love that he dances unabashedly and ridiculously over the top. Below you see him killin’ Will & Carlton’s moves to Jump On It from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. So cute, I die.

a wedding with the parents | Amanda Zampelli

All in all, I had a truly fantastic time. On some level, I feel me and the ‘rents bonded. They saw me with their son in a setting that wasn’t just sit down dinner & talk, you know? Every phase of this new relationship has felt special, and this night was no exception. I’m excited to see where it’s leading, but in the meantime I’m taking each present moment with this wonderful human and his parents and friends as they come. Cheers!

a wedding with the parents | Amanda Zampelli