a jam-packed MAY weekend

The joke of the title of this post, of course, is that EVERYTHING IS CANCELLED. Set your May calendar on fire à la Loryn Brantz. But YOU GUYSSSS, this past first weekend of May was supposed to be filled with SO MUCH GOODNESS. Tom and I were supposed to attend our friends’ wedding on Friday night, go to a Shallou concert on Saturday night, and I was to be a guest at a childhood friend’s baby shower on Sunday.

I was really looking forward to it. But weren’t we all? … about something or other? Hmmm… Here’s how this jam-packed May weekend - and the plans that “went up flames” - ended up looking like, in spite of it all:

jam-packed MAY weekend | Amanda Zampelli

MAY 1st WEDDING: It became - of course - a ZOOM ceremony. We were sent a link to the zoom meeting in advance - the new invitation. I looked in my closet for something appropriate to wear and discovered/remembered I bought a new jumpsuit right before malls were considered unessential and closed down until who knows when. WIN! I plucked it from my closet and (thankfully) it fit! WIN x2!

It was a beautiful zoom wedding ceremony - even though we watched it on a grainy livestream. In this strange time we’re in, computer screens have become the new churches and chapels, but I don’t think - not for a second - it takes away the intention behind the forever union of two people on the day of their choosing.

jam-packed MAY weekend | Amanda Zampelli

MAY 2nd CONCERT: I had bought tickets to see Shallou in concert back in Jan or Feb. Shallou has been important to me ‘cause their songs remind me of the magical beginning time when Tom and I first started seeing each other. I remember him putting on LIE in the car, and I used to listen to YOU & ME on my long commute to work.

As of now, the concert has been postponed until further notice, and who knows if it will ever even happen. Saturday ended up being a great day at the park, though. Tom, his sister, and I jogged a bit before setting up some beach chairs to have a little mimosa brunch picnic. He played Shallou over his JBL speaker and I thought, “Well, I guess this is as much of a Shallou concert as we’re gonna get!”

jam-packed MAY weekend | Amanda Zampelli

MAY 3rd BABY SHOWER: Originally scheduled to be a late Luigi’s lunch, it became a drive-by baby shower. My mom and I were in one of many cars all lined up outside the home the mama-to-bee (hence the honey) grew up in. We then caravanned the few blocks to where she currently lives and honked and hollered and left our gifts on her lawn.

I never would guessed this is what these three things would have been like. Even though it’s a bit disappointing that the actual plans for these events were cancelled, I’m incredibly grateful to be a part of what each one turned out to be. We’re here. We’re healthy. We’re #doingthedays. That’s all we could ask for. xo