cats, water, WiFi...with a side of RESILIENCE

cats, water, wifi // Amanda Zampelli

Today was the first day of remote learning for us teachers in New York City (and in other parts of the nation, too). I was as ready as I could be with my work-from-home essentials: CATS, WATER, and WiFi.

How’d it go? you ask. Let’s just say my cat’s face says it all.

I felt like I was working on Wall Street. I was full-blown, minute-to-minute problem solving. I was taking calls, I was making calls, I was standing up at my work station trying to troubleshoot technology issues. It was intense. One of my colleagues said: “I feel like I’ve done so much today, but also have done nothing at the same time.” TRUTH.

cats + water + wifi // Amanda Zampelli

I did my best. (I even bought myself this top to prove it.) I’m not letting the anxiety of it all (living in quarantine because of a worldwide pandemic while trying to get all of my students to log on or tune in or show up from home while also getting non-stop messages from colleagues vent-texting their feelings and higher-ups sending us new directives on top of old directives while I’m incessantly worrying about the future of mankind) swallow me whole. This is new to everyone involved. Everyday will find us pioneering this not-so-great frontier.

We’re going to need to rely on RESILIENCE - which just so happens to be Crafty Ass Female’s new theme for Season 6 which launched today! A big takeaway from the episode was how I realized RESILIENCE will be showing up for me by redefining what expectations are realistic and unrealistic during this difficult time. HELLO!

Another takeaway is tied to the idea of steadfastness. That word has been repeating in my mind, and it’s the only way I’m going to get any of the three things done that I’ve started today for The 100 Day Project.

This that you’re reading counts as my blog post for the day, and so far so good with my eating and food-logging. I also completed the 30-minute workout posted by my gym on their private FB group, but guys, I’m out of shape. I can’t let it get any worse. I just can’t. // I have this workout ready for when I need it as well:

So cats, water, and WiFi. Resilience and steadfastness, too. Comfy sweatpants, phone on silent after 3pm, and memes on memes on memes. We got this.

First day down. 99 more to go. // xoxo