JUNE 7, 2020 | 193.4 LBS (-3.6) - WAIT A MINUTE! Actually, no. WEIGHT A DAY. Yep, you heard me right: take your weight each and everyday. The scale is your new best friend. Hey, buddy.

This is literally 100% the opposite of the “losing weight advice” I received growing up. “Don’t be a slave to the scale” they’d say. Or “it shouldn’t be about the number, it should be about how you feel.”

Aside from the overall philosophy (which reminds me of my OCD therapy) it was Chapter 16 in Never Binge Again entitled “Your New Best Friend” that gave me the biggest AHA moment from the book. In a nutshell it said:

  • step on the scale every morning

  • faithfully take the feedback it provides

  • interpret the data objectively

  • adjust your food plan and exercise accordingly

The metaphor in the book talks about commercial airplanes and how they’re actually off course 99% of the time they fly from New York to Los Angeles. …and how the only way one reaches its destination is because the pilots consistently monitor their instruments and make small adjustments throughout the flight.

Do I need to point out the connection here? Okay, I will…

It’s a lot easier to make dozens, or even hundreds of tiny course corrections all along your journey, says the book, than to ignore feedback and find yourself thousands of miles from where you’d hoped to land later on. OMG! YES!

YES! YES! YES! (I could cry!)

I was avoiding the scale, worrying that seeing a number I wasn’t expecting was going to devastate me out of continuing on this health journey… BUT, if you weigh yourself every morning, your weigh-in becomes a repeated routine to gather data, instead of this HUGE, monumental moment of truth.

You deflate the ballon, let out some pressure, and perceive stepping on the scale as nothing more than something you can check off your list every morning and use the data from. I LOVE THIS NOTION.

So, me and my scale? New besties! Make friends with yours too. // (I use the FITINDEX Bluetooth Body Fat Scale, and downloaded the app that goes with it.)